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This analysis will focus on the most effective marketing tactics in social media to attract new customers and encourage returning customers. Through our research, we have narrowed the most effective social media platform and marketing and communication techniques. 

Create A Brand Logo To advertise and Make The Establishment Stick in People’s Minds

Creating a brand logo such as KFCs Colonel Sanders will help give the Youmi  brand a face to be recognized by.  This can be done through many avenues with a computer and a few hours of work.  There are many different websites that are utilized for this, including:

  • Canva

  • Brand Crowd

  • Tailor Brands

  • Smashing Logo

    Michelle Goodall is an experienced consultant with over 20 years of digital marketing experience.  She created a guide to social media marketing which includes “Unsurprisingly, brands with established characters, such as KFC’s Colonel Sanders, have created instantly recognisable stickers and gifs that users can simply add, or layer, to their Instagram Stories or share via WhatsApp.”  If a brand logo were to be created, once it is found recognizable to the brand a creation of stickers and such like this could be heavily beneficial in advertising.  


Using Scheduling Tools to Make Posting on Social Media Easier and Timely:

After speaking with Youmi Crepes and Boba directors, we determined that Youmi could benefit from a social media marketing plan, and create a  strategy when it came to schedule posts. Youmi currently owns a Facebook, Instagram, and eventually wants to start a Tik Tok, and can implement a strategy for how to line up the scheduled posts for each of these platforms.

 Through our research on how to effectively schedule posts across multiple platforms in a timely and effective manner, experts suggest that the use of scheduling tools would  synergize marketing across all social media platforms as well as make the use of social media marketing easier and less time-consuming.

 In the article, “Manage Your Social Media in 5 Minutes a Day,” Anne Marie Watson details the distinct advantages of using social media scheduling tools to manage all your platform's marketing. This includes:

  • The ability to add multiple social media platforms and accounts

    • Each social media platform will have its own tab, and each account on each platform will have a separate tab as well

  • Easier access to all social media platforms

    • With a scheduling tool you can log into all social media platforms at once instead of having to visit each account separately

  • Allows for scheduling of posts ahead of time 

    • The ability to schedule posts ahead of time allows for social media marketing to be scheduled at your convenience and to crosspost across all social media platforms

For Youmi to maximize their reach on social media, they would benefit by publishing great, concise content with the right timing and frequency.  Buffer, an organization that helps businesses organize their social media strategies, states, “There are many scheduling tools out there, both free and paid, that are out there for Youmi to use to maximize their social media strategies.” 

 Here are some helpful resources to assist in scheduling social media:

  • Filler

  • Filler

  • Filler

Creating Test Campaigns to See What is Most Effective

Creating test campaigns to send out through social media and other avenues will help determine what people are interested in and how to gain their attention.  After gaining valuable information through this method, you can follow what was  stated in the  creating templates section from those that gain the most attention.  


Ask the Experts

Former senior marketing manager turned freelancer Indrajeet Deshpande says that you need to “create test campaigns on different platforms to know what type of audience you can reach out to based on the filters applied to define the target audience” in order to be successful in social media advertising.  He has over six years experience as a freelance digital content creator and before that worked for a company in India called SpiderG. Deshpande’s strategy can benefit you in many ways, including:

  • Gathering key information through focused groups

  • Finding the right target demographic to approach for this specifically

  • Answering the question of what to apply to templates


Chris Mason is a specialist for social media strategy.  He describes something called guerilla marketing, which is the innovative, unconventional, and low-cost marketing techniques aimed at obtaining maximum exposure for a product..  It is a low budget way of  getting advertisements out there.  His article from woocurve is an interesting read and states “the great thing about guerrilla marketing is that anyone can use it to their advantage. Even if you do have a substantial budget, you will want to try some of these tactics to see how well they connect with your audience.”  Guerilla marketing is a great way to send out test campaigns.  It doesn’t break the bank.  It opens the door to find out what works. It is relatively straightforward.  Some ways to do this are:

  • Creating and posting advertisements for social media

  • Creating rewards programs with text promotions

  • Posting fliers in the area with coupon slips for your business


Using Video to Appeal Customers and Stand Out Against Similar Pages 

Youmi currently owns an Instagram and Facebook account, but their activity on each account is minimal. Through research concerning how to effectively operate a social media business page, we concluded that implementing new techniques and design elements would encourage traffic across Youmi’s accounts and encourage repeat customers to return. In the article, “Video Becomes Valuable,”  author Jennifer Schiff, C.E.O. of Schiff & Schiff Communications, a marketing firm focused on helping organizations better interact with their customers, describes how the use of videos in social media marketing increases the awareness of a business and opens doors to new opportunities. The article states: 

  • Video sets you apart from the competition - Rather than a still image or a typed description, video creates both visual and audio appeal 

  • Video is a great tool for communication with customers - Video allows for information to be passed quicker than a photo or written description and better accounts for tone

  • Video customer testimonials quickly validate your business - customer success videos create confidence within buyers and trust  within the worth of the product they are receiving 

  • Video creates a sense of shared community - Live videos on platforms, like Instagram, allow for real time communication between the customer and the business (Schiff, 2013).


Currently there is a popular social media platform, called Tik Tok, that is specifically designed for video content. In an article discussing social media platform popularity, posted on Oberlo, it states, “As of January 2021, the platform has 689 million monthly active users worldwide” (Moshin, 2021). For tips, tricks, and tutorials on the use of Tik Tok and marketing videos in general, visit appendix B.

Using Categorical Organization to Design and Publish Social Media Posts 

Once Youmi increases their activity on social media outlets and implements videos, these tips will allow for increased customer engagement and create guided instructions for effective marketing. Videos are an important step in the process of improvement, but there are other valuable techniques that could be implemented. In the article, “Create a Stronger Sense of Community With Your Social Media Strategy,” author Ellie Burk describes more techniques to increase engagement and ways to improve current marketing strategies. In a section concerning the three categories social media posts should fall into, the article states: 


  • Appreciation Posts - Saying a simple, “thank you” to your customers can go a long way. Recognize your supporters through social media to connect with them and show personal gratitude.

  • Advocacy Posts - A simple way to increase attention to a new product or service is to advocate for it through social media. Post industry news and rewards to creative incentives to visit your business or buy your products. 

  • Appeal Posts - Including your customers in the company, such as allowing followers to vote on monthly/seasonal flavors, allows them to feel a sense of community and identity within the business (Burke, 2015). 


Schiff and Burke both provide specific and helpful ways to increase overall customer engagement, satisfaction, and retention. By using these techniques, Youmi’s social media’s presence can improve and grow in order to create awareness and appeal of Youmi’s Crepes and Boba as a whole.

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